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We’re looking for high school students who are interested in public service and leadership

Students who attend our Zoom sessions in October will have a chance to win AirPods and a $1,000 college scholarship!

For decades, Iowa has been sending deserving high school students to our nation’s capital as part of the national Electric Cooperative Youth Tour program. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the trip was canceled in 2020 and 2021, but is scheduled to return in 2022.
To bridge the gap in not having a Youth Tour for the past two summers, Iowa’s electric cooperatives are pleased to offer a new opportunity for rural students to learn more about advocacy, electric cooperative career opportunities and the cooperative business model. The Iowa Youth Leadership Academy will be held as a three-part webinar series in October and is open to any high school student in the state. Students can register at

Who should attend?

This new program is geared for rural Iowa students who have a passion for public service, leadership or government. The goal of the Iowa Youth Leadership Academy is to raise students’ awareness of the role electric cooperatives have in their local communities. In addition, participants will learn about electric cooperative careers.

Zoom sessions in October

Once students register online for the Iowa Youth Leadership Academy, they can attend the webinars from their own computer or mobile device. Each Zoom session will last around 45-60 minutes and focus on a specific topic.

Tuesday, Oct. 5, 7 p.m. 
Cooperative Business Model
Thursday, Oct. 14, 7 p.m. 
Rural Iowa Advocacy
Tuesday, Oct. 26, 7 p.m.
Civic Involvement & Leadership

During the Zoom sessions, students will be inspired by our speakers and presenters while learning about advocacy and leadership. Attendees will also hear from former Iowa Youth Tour students who pursued their passion for government service and leadership after attending the weeklong trip to Washington, D.C.   

Featured speakers

Haley Moon
Advocacy and Political Action Manager Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives

Adam Schwartz
Founder & Principal The Cooperative Way

Kathleen Riessen
Leadership Expert Kathleen Riessen & Company

Opportunities to win

At the end of each live session, one lucky attendee will be selected at random to win a pair of Apple AirPods. Students who attend all three sessions will be entered into a random drawing for a $1,000 college scholarship

Save the date! The 2022 Electric Cooperative Youth Tour is slated for June 18-24. 

“Students really need to take advantage of all the opportunities that the Iowa Youth Tour provides – not only what participants see and do while in D.C., but also for the lifelong opportunities. The activities are great networking events with electric cooperatives and peers from around the state. I’m constantly running into people I met. Even today,  through my job, I interact with people that went on the Iowa Youth Tour.”

Jacob Holck 
(2016 Iowa Youth Tour participant)
Communications Specialist 
Office of Iowa Secretary of State

Learn more at or contact your local co-op for more information.

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