The CHARGE™ brand will extend to western Iowa and southern Illinois with the addition of Iowa generation and transmission (G&T) cooperatives Corn Belt Power Cooperative (Humboldt, Iowa) and Le Mars-based Northwest Iowa Power Cooperative (NIPCO), as well as Egyptian Electric Cooperative Association (EECA) in Murphysboro, Illinois.

In addition, the G&Ts’ member cooperatives will utilize the CHARGE brand as they build electric vehicle (EV) awareness among their consumer-members.

“This is an incredible boost for CHARGE both in terms of cooperative participation and the opportunity for collaboration,” says Nate Boettcher, president of CHARGE EV, LLC. “As our affiliations grow, we leverage the needs of each cooperative to benefit all.”

Powered by electric cooperatives

CHARGE is a national EV charging brand powered by electric cooperatives and invests in EV-focused companies. CHARGE cooperatives are part of a growing brand that signals a nationwide cooperation among cooperatives effort (the 7th Cooperative Principle) to help promote and educate members about EVs.

“The number of available electric vehicle models are increasing each quarter. Our CHARGE affiliation will give NIPCO and our member cooperatives extra support and expertise to answer member questions,” says Matt Washburn, NIPCO executive vice president and general manager.

“Being part of a brand that is powered by cooperatives benefits Corn Belt, our members and the consumer-members in our region. There is a great model in place to help facilitate collaboration among cooperatives,” says Kenneth H. Kuyper, Corn Belt Power executive vice president and general manager.

In addition to joining a national EV brand, CHARGE cooperatives benefit from CHARGE affiliations with EV-focused companies, such as ZEF Energy. ZEF manufactures EV charging units that will work with many cooperatives’ existing load management programs. The technology allows members to delay charging their vehicle until evening and overnight hours when electricity prices are lower.

CHARGE EV, LLC, was created in 2020 by 31 electric cooperatives throughout Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin to help promote EV adoption. As electric cooperatives partner with other companies within the EV industry, CHARGE will expand its national charging network throughout rural America. This network will also reveal the hidden gems that are our local communities to EV drivers and their passengers. Electric cooperatives serve more than 42 million people across

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