Energy Saving Tip of the Week
Save Energy in Your Home Office!
If you have a home office, look for opportunities to save energy in your workspace. Use ENERGY STAR®-rated equipment, which consumes up to 50% less energy than standard models. Set equipment to automatically switch to sleep or energy-saver mode when not in use.
January Recipe Submissions
Spring-inspired Recipes
In January, we're looking for readers' favorite spring recipes for our May issue. If we print your recipe, you'll receive a $25 bill credit from your Iowa electric co-op!
Monthly Editor's Choice Contest
Win a Stainless Steel Bread Machine!
The KBS stainless steel smart bread machine has 17 settings for making bread, jam, yogurt, cake, pizza dough and more! Plus, it features an automatic fruit and nut dispenser. It bakes up to a 2-pound loaf, with three crust settings in light, medium and dark.