Colder weather can increase energy use and bills since heating accounts for the highest wintertime energy consumption in most homes. Follow these tips to save energy while still staying warm in Iowa's winter months.
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Heating and cooling account for about half the energy used in a typical home, so it’s a great place to use less energy. When used wisely, your thermostat can help reduce wasted energy.
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The ground beneath us has incredible benefits. In fact, you can also harness the power of the earth to heat and cool your home renewably and efficiently.
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Energy efficiency improvements to the home can save money, but not everyone can replace their furnace with an air-source heat pump. Here are seven low-cost efficiency tips that can help you reduce your energy bills.
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When winter’s bitter winds blow and temperatures drop, it may still feel chilly indoors – even with the heat turned up. If you’ve added more insulation, there are additional steps you can take to make the house more comfortable this winter.
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Better energy efficiency at home starts with savings, not sales, and an energy audit conducted by a trained energy advisor can help you get there.
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